Create a time-lapse from raw images using Adobe After Effects. This technique eliminates the need to convert raw images to tiff before importing into a time-lapse. In After Effects create a new project. Be sure that the raw images are sequentially numbered. Import that folder of raw images into After Effects and designate that it is an image sequence. After Effects opens the first image in camera raw where you set your editing for all subsequent images in that folder. Then you export to the final movie.
Tip #4:
Using hypersync on my Canon speedlight with my 5D Mark III allows for some dramatic portraits outside even in full sunlight.
Tip #3:
To quickly eliminate dust spots in your sky photos, create a layer above that one and fill the color with the sky color. Change the blend mode to lighten. Add a layer mask to hide all. Then paint back in with a 100% white brush wherever the spots were.
Tip #2:
Lightroom 5 is a good front end for editing video. I can preview clips, set in and out points, and even apply some presets for color balance and exposure.
Tip #1:
Airline travel has gotten very expensive with regard to excess baggage. Now when I shoot architectural assignments that involve air travel, I only take a tripod, my full set of cameras and lenses, plus Expodisc for color balance. HDR Expose 3 from Unified Color now makes it possible to shoot interiors this way and preserve full tonality.
Adobe Creative Cloud
I was invited to join the Adobe Influencer program in June of 2012 at the launch of CS6. Previously I have been happily involved in Photoshop testing since Photoshop 7 (BCS — Before CS numbering). The future has always looked bright through the creative visionaries at Adobe.
Now that Adobe has moved to cloud based services, you actually download your software from Adobe through their subscription service. No more DVD’s. Right from the cloud to your hard drive. This is amazing for you and me because now they push out incremental updates every few months.
Fortunately Adobe and others have comprehensive and complimentary tutorials for your reference.
Some useful links are:
Creative Cloud World Tour 2013 PowerPoint Presentation
Dig in and have fun.